Saturday, October 29, 2011

HELL---Oween Unmask Halloween by Joyce Sterling

Since I have a limited following as of now I had to share and warn my readers of the harms which are in this so called fun time.SHE IS AN AWESOME author:I NEVER CELEBRATED Halloween with my 4 sons we did go to harvest festivals but I NEVER gave place to the devil--am I perfect--not at all but to know to do good and do it not to him it is a sin.

(Warning: not suitable for children)

I felt urged to write an article about Halloween. It is October and every store in America already has stocked up on Halloween candy and decorations. Halloween is fast approaching so I want to spread the word as quickly as possible. I want to make this clear. Halloween is not a Christian holiday and a follower of Jesus Christ should not partake in this holiday.

"But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils." 1 Corinthians 10:20-21

Kids love holidays because it is fun and scary, but to Satanists and witches, Halloween is no joke. October 31st is the most important day in the satanic year. It marks the Celtic new year. It is a festival of death where the god of the Celtics would call up the spirits of the wicked dead who had died that past year to harass other people. This is the day where the evil spirits are free to roam in the Earth.

"Neither give place to the devil." Ephesians 4:27
These things happened several centuries before Christ. These people made sacrifices to the god of death called Samhain (pronounced sah win). The sacrifices varied from vegetables to human beings. They had a feast and a festival to celebrate the god of the dead. This practice still occurs today in the world. It is not an ancient practice but this is a practice that is still occurring in the world today. I have listed the popular aspects of Halloween and how they originated below:

Trick or Treat- Celtics had priests called druids. The druids would go from house to house and demand a sacrifice. Whoever refused them would be cursed and tormented. History shows that someone in the cursed family would die within a year.

Jack O'Lantern- The druids carried large turnips with them and carved demon faces on it as their charm. There was a candle placed inside the turnip and the candle was made from human fat. It was believed that this charm contained a demon spirit that guided the priest. The spirit was called JOCK. When this practice arrived to America in the 18th and 19th centry, JOCK became Jack who lives in the pumpkin.

Witches- the middle age believed that witches traveled on broomsticks to the black Sabbats to worship Satan on October 31st. They were guided by spirits in the form of black cats. Witches are child murderers and often times they have babies specifically to sacrifice to Satan. Their living children are found traumatized and suffering from mental and physical torture.

Black cats- The druids worshiped black cats believing them to be reincarnated people.

Halloween- This name came from what was originally called All Saints Day which was a failed attempt by the pope to rid of the festival of the dead. It became All Hallows Day. Een is an abbreviation for evening so we started calling it 'Halloween.'

Costumes- In Ireland during the festival of Samhain, children would dress like IMPS and fairies to lead the evil spirits out of town after the feast of Samhain.

Monsters- In Druidism, the dead are raised as horrifying creatures of the night, hideous monsters, decaying skeletons, vampires, and so forth. They received not glorified bodies as Christ promises in our resurrection, but inhuman ones.

Look at today's Halloween. We celebrate the devil, witches, evil spirits, murderers, skeletons, death and monsters. We dress our children up like these evil beings and have them reenact the druid practice of demanding food and sacrifice. Instead of turnips, we use pumpkins and carve demon faces in it and decorate with it. At Halloween, we enjoy fortune telling, haunted houses, candles lit, seances, ouija boards in the name of fun and excitement. There will be sacrifices of animals and even humans! You say, "well, we don't take it seriously." But the devil does and so does God.

"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil." 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22
Maybe you might say that all of this happen a long time ago, but these practices still occur in the world today. Every year on October 31st, the high priest of all witch covens are required to make a human sacrifice. God condemns witches. Their power comes from the devil.

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