Sunday, February 9, 2014

pre trib rapture

250 reasons for a Pre-Trbulation Rapture! February 9, 2014 at 8:27am 250 REASONS FOR PRE-TRIB RAPTURE by San Davis BUT IT’S NOT TRUE that the Church should FORTIFY ourselves in order to SURVIVE THE TRIBULATION. The true Church will NOT be in the tribulation, NOT AT ALL!!! AMEN!! I see a need for a THORO...UGH LOOK at the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the true Church. There’s so many differing teachings, opinions and misunderstandings about it, I felt it BENEFICIAL that people have ACCESS to a full thread concerning this topic. My FIRST assumption was that this subject would be short, sweet and to the point. I should have known better! Once I jumped into this project, compiling the array of scripture, I soon discovered it’s much larger than I anticipated. So therefore, this topic, although offered under ONE THREAD (for continuity), is SUBDIVIDED into shorter portions. (I’ll number these REASONS from 1 to 250--and the number sequence will flow from one section to another, and give a FULL COUNT of all that I list.) SOME COMMON OBJECTIONS TO THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE(a.) People argue that there’s NO VERSE in the Old Testament that clearly says Christ will return in TWO STAGES.(b.) People argue that there’s NO VERSE in the New Testament that clearly says Jesus will return in TWO STAGES.(c.) People point out that THE SAME WORDS are used for The Rapture and The Second Coming, so therefore there’s no difference between the TWO COMINGS (or “parousia” in the Greek). For instance, 1Thessalonians 4:15 speaks of the COMING of the Lord--in reference to the Rapture andMark 13:36 speaks of the COMING of the Lord--in reference to His Second Coming. Yet people will insist there’s NO difference between the Rapture and the Second Coming. THEY ERR IN THEIR LOGIC.People who make these word comparisons NOTE the similarities (it’s a COMING of Jesus), but they IGNORE the many CONTEXTUAL DIFFERENCES that surround the passages in question!I’ll use an illustration to show the breach IN LOGIC: For example, I have eyes. A horse has eyes. Therefore, I’m a horse. SKEWED LOGIC! This is to make note of ONE similarity, while ignoring dozens of differences!I’m reminded of another example, something to illuminate the reason for so many different interpretations of prophecy. Remember the old story about the blind men who encounter an elephant? Each blind man reached a different conclusion, based upon WHERE they touched the critter. A rope, tree trunk, garden hose, and wall… So also, depending upon WHAT FACET of prophecy people focus upon, many differing ideas emerge. People fail to compare scripture to scripture, or even stay within the immediate context.We MUST be aware of the DIFFERENCES surrounding pertinent prophecies (Israel or the Church, Rapture or the Second Coming) and make the LOGICAL deductions. What’s different? How is it different? Why is it different? And what does it mean?God will never say ONE THING IN ONE PLACE, only to TURN AROUND to say something DIFFERENT in ANOTHER PLACE! Study it the Word, consider it, pray for the Holy Spirit to shine His light upon it, and make CORRECT DEDUCTIONS about WHY those DIFFERENCES are there. EXCUSES AGAINST A PRE-TRIB RAPTURE.(a.) Some people insist that the Church should prepare for trouble. They say that the Church better know how to survive in the tribulation--in just in case--because we might find ourselves in the midst of it.It’s true that we should NEVER THINK that since we KNOW Jesus--we’ll not experience anything bad. It’s true, that IN this world, people experience troubles, trials, tragedies and afflictions. It’s also true that the Church, in Jesus, will OVERCOME these sufferings. It’s true that our faith should be strong in the Word of the Lord, and in His promises, so we can RISE ABOVE whatever situation we might face. BUT IT’S NOT TRUE that the Church should FORTIFY ourselves in order to SURVIVE THE TRIBULATION. The true Church will NOT be in the tribulation, NOT AT ALL!(b.) People say the Church will grow lazy if we expect a Pre-Trib Rapture.That idea runs contradictory to scripture. I’ll cite TWO examples. Jesus told His servants to “occupy until I come.” Luke 19:13. We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has ordained BEFOREHAND that we should WALK in them. Ephesians 2:9. When we love Christ and are walking in the Spirit (not the flesh), our DESIRE is to be ACTIVE in the things our Lord has instructed us to do. To operate otherwise is to be in disobedience.(c.) People say GOD IS LOVE--so, therefore, He’ll NOT get angry, or allow people to be hurt and killed.That excuse is THE RESULT of unbalanced teachings in the compromised Church of these end times. The LOVE of God is overly emphasized, while His Holy attributes are ignored.Scripture declares that God is a JEALOUS God, visiting the iniquity upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Him. God will allow “no other gods” before Him. God is JUST and He WILL punish the unrighteous. God HATES sin and He WILL JUDGE it! I know this is an uncomfortable picture, but GOD DOES NOT CHANGE. People need to KNOW these facts.Here’s the good news: God has provided A WAY by which sinful mankind can approach His HOLINESS. He sent His Only Begotten Son, Jesus, into the world, that whosoever believes on Him SHOULD NOT PERISH, but have everlasting life! Jesus paid a HIGH PRICE to save us--shedding His blood, dying and resurrecting, so that we can have FELLOWSHIP with Him and with the Father.(d.) People say NO ONE can know whether the Rapture will be Pre-Trib, Mid-Trib, Post-Trib or Pre-Wrath. Therefore, they’ll settle the issue for good, and call it “Pan-Trib,” meaning that “everything will PAN-OUT in the end.”This excuse rings TRUE for those who are so CONFUSED that they don’t know WHAT to believe about the Rapture. So they, conclude (correctly, I might add), that since they KNOW Jesus, everything will be okay.But these people also FEARFULLY add that if they find themselves in the tribulation, facing death, they’ll gladly die. Their BLESSED HOPE has been robbed--(maybe, they never had any HOPE of ESCAPE to begin with.) And perhaps, the Pan-Tribulation believer does NOT want to devote THE TIME to find out what’s REALLY TRUE--so they opt out by saying, with a chuckle, “It will all pan-out in the end.”I won’t judge anyone for their choice in this matter. But there IS a BETTER WAY. I offer this LIST OF REASONS for the Pre-Trib Rapture to edify, help and encourage the ones who are confused. THE BENEFITS OF THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE(a.) We learn important lessons in Bible interpretation.(b.) We properly distinguish between the Church and Israel.(c.) We’re encouraged.1 Thessalonians 4:18.(d.) We have LIVING hope. Titus 2:13.(e.) We practice holy living. Matthew 24:42-51, 1 John 3:2-3.(f.) It makes a difference in how we face the world of these end times.If we believe in the Post-Trib Rapture of the Church, REALLY BELIEVE IT, we’ll live in fear for ourselves and for our loved ones.If we believe in the Pre-Trib Rapture of the Church, REALLY BELIEVE IT, we look for Jesus to arrive at any moment, and are full of joy. THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE’S MESSAGE OF IMMINENCE1. The Pre-Tribulation Rapture is the ONLY position which MAINTAINS IMMINENCE. Other positions REQUIRE that certain prophecies be fulfilled FIRST.2. Instead of watching for Jesus to come in the air, instead of anticipating His arrival with joy, people watch for the APPEARANCE of the ANTICHRIST, for signs, for wars, and for the unfolding of many other prophecies FIRST. This DESTROYS imminence.3. Scripture declare that no one KNOWS the day or the hour of Jesus’ appearance. This HAS TO MEAN the Rapture His Church! If it were meant for the time AFTER the tribulation, it does NOT make sense. The days and hours of the tribulation CAN BE COUNTED and KNOWN, according the prophecy of Daniel 9:27! EXACT years, months and days are GIVEN--and anyone WHO SEES the antichrist make the “peace covenant” with Israel can BEGIN counting--ARRIVING at the year, month, and day when Jesus’ feet will touch the earth. Should the Church be required to enter the tribulation, we’d calculate the day and the hour--which is the opposite NOT KNOWING! The scriptures MUST show TWO DIFFERENT events!4. We see many instances where Jesus exhorted His people to watch, emphasizing NOT KNOWING the day or the hour. In Matthew 24:42-47, the Goodman of the house is to be WATCHING.5. In Mark 13:28-37, the parable of the fig tree (the rebirth of Israel) is given, showing a general time and season. Jesus again exhorted His people to be ready and WATCHING, because they do NOT know the day or the hour when He will come.6. In Luke 21:29-36, the parable of the fig tree is repeated, with a parallel warning, to be ready and WATCHING, because no one KNOWS the day or hour (when Jesus will appear to Rapture His true Church).7. In Matt 24:48-51, the evil servant did NOT watch. He said, “the Lord DELAYS His coming.” Thinking there’s plenty of time BEFORE the Lord appears, the evil servant began beating his fellow servants, and fulfilling the LUSTS of his flesh, eating and drinking with the drunken. Jesus will come when that evil servant is NOT looking for him, NOT expecting His imminent arrival, in an hour when the servant is NOT AWARE--NOT WATCHING! The Lord will cut that servant asunder--in judgment. People who do NOT EXPECT the Lord’s IMMINENT coming GROW LAX in keeping guard over their lives, and are NOT ready--because they think there’s still plenty of time.8. The Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church is IMMINENT, and it’s an INCENTIVE for holy living! 1 John 3:2-3.9. The EARLY CHURCH believed in the IMMINENCE of Jesus’ coming. EARLY WRITINGS have been discovered which SHOWS His coming was expected at ANY MOMENT. (A fact of history.) “The original ‘pre-millennial, pre-tribulation’ views can be traced throughout church history. The essentials of these views appear in the Epistle of Barnabas, (AD. 100) and other early writings: Irenaeus, in Against Heresies; Hippolytus, a disciple of Irenaeus (2nd century); and Justin Martyr, Dialogue with Trypho. These views also show up in The Approaching Deliverance of the Church, by Peter Jurieu, 1687; Philip Doddridge’s Commentary on the New Testament, 1738; Dr. John Gill’s Commentary on the New Testament, 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17.. 1748; James Macknight’s Commentary on the Apostolical Epistles, 1763; and Thomas Scott’s Commentary on the Holy Bible, 1792. The recent discovery of the writings of Ephraem the Syrian also confirm this view: Thomas D. Ice and Timothy J. Demy, Bibliothecra Sacra, July--September 1995.”10. Following the early Church councils (where sound Christian doctrine was upheld), came a time of decline. Many doctrines that mainline denominations support are based on heresies proposed by Augustine--no millennium, the “spiritualization” and “allegorical” methods of interpretation. IMMINENCE was lost. And a Church which was NOT EXPECTING the Lord’s SOON RETURN became lax in sharing the Gospel, and drifted into many areas of error. (Another fact of history.) THE RAPTURE IS IN THE BIBLE[This section is BASIC UNDERSTANDING, but I MUST include it. Some people DENY the Rapture because THE WORD is not found in our English translations of the Bible.]11. The argument that the Rapture isn’t found in the Bible is false.12. Rapture is from the Latin “rapere” or “rapturo” which is INDEED found in the Latin Vulgate Version of the Bible. It’s from this Latin root that we get our English word “raptor.” A raptor (eagle, osprey, hawk, owl) swoops down from above to suddenly “snatch up” its dinner with force. In the rapture, Jesus will descend into the air and suddenly “snatch up” His Church to Himself with THE FORCE of His words, “Come up here” (which is seen in Revelation 4:1).13. The Greek word for the Rapture is “harpazo” which is translated as “caught up” in 1 Thessalonians 4:17. The literal definition of “harpazo” is to catch up and away, to pluck up, to take by force.14. While “the word” Rapture is not found in our English translations of the Bible, it is INDEED there as “caught up” and in THE ACTION displayed IN that event!15. The famous Rapture scriptures are these: the promise of it inJohn 14:1-3, the Old Testament description of it in Isaiah 26:19-20, Paul’s teachings upon it in 1 Corinthians 15:51-52, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 to 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, and in 2 Thessalonians 2:6-8.16. The ACTIONS shown in Revelation 4:1 is a TYPE of the Rapture, present in the DISPLAYED ACTION, and IN the SEQUENCE of events--(occurring AFTER the testimony of the SEVEN CHURCHES in Revelation 2:1-29 and Revelation 3:1-22). “After” is DECLARED TWICE inRevelation 4:1 --“After these things” and “hereafter.” AFTER what things? AFTER the ministry of the SEVEN CHURCHES. When the “plain sense” makes “perfect sense” seek “no other sense.”TWO COMINGS OF JESUS? THE SECOND COMING IN STAGES[Again, this is BASIC info--but since people DO object to The Rapture on the false premise that there are “not” two comings of Jesus, I’ll offer a rebuttal.]17. Israel, and the Jewish Pharisees, at the time of Jesus did NOT recognize their promised Messiah when Jesus presented Himself to them. Why? They didn’t differentiate between their own prophecies which show the TWO COMINGS OF JESUS.18. In Jesus’ FIRST COMING, He arrived on earth as the SUFFERING Messiah. Isaiah 53:2-10. Psalms 22:6-8 and Psalms 11:1-18.19. In Jesus’ SECOND COMING, He’ll arrive on earth as a CONQUERING and REIGNING King. Psalms 2:6-12. Zechariah 12:9 and Zechariah 9:16.20. Jews, who studied the scripture (as if they had a microscope) missed this. When Jesus did not FIT THEIR IDEA of a KING, they rejected Him. How could that be? How could they have missed it? TWO REASONS: (a.) They had PRECONCEIVED IDEAS of what to expect. (b.) They “studied” scripture with NATURAL UNDERSTANDING (the corrupt mind of the flesh--which is AT ENMITY--and hostile to God.Romans 8:7-8 and 2 Corinthians 2:9-14). The religious leaders continually tried to TRAP Jesus, and He rebuked them often, which further infuriated them. (Matthew 12:1-50 is the classic example of their blindness.) The “religious” people could NOT see Who Jesus really was. When Jesus said “I AM” (the Hebrew equivalent of God’s name-- Luke 22:70), and said that they would see Him sitting at the right hand of God, the Father (Matthew 26:64), they tore their clothes and accused Him of blasphemy! This led to His crucifixion, exactly as the scriptures prophesied. The “religious leaders” in Israel were “instrumental” in (helping) to fulfill their own prophecies.21. Today, people also study the scriptures with their NATURAL UNDERSTANDING (without the Light of the Holy Spirit). They have PRECONCEIVED IDEAS of HOW the prophecies will be fulfilled. Many do NOT see the Second Coming of Jesus as happening in stages.22. Stage ONE is The Rapture of the Church, when Jesus descends into the air to call His Church up to Himself. Stage TWO is the Second Coming, when the feet of Jesus actually touch the earth.23. 1 Corinthians 15:22-25CLARIFIES the STAGES, by showing us STAGES of the First Resurrection.24. (a.) Christ is the FIRSTFRUITS of those who RISE from the dead. This happened on the Feast of Firstfruits, three days AFTER Jesus died.25. (b.) “Afterward, they that are Christ’s at His Coming.” This is the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of the Church.26. (c.) THEN COMES THE END--in which the Kingdom of God will be established at the start of the Millennium. “For He (Jesus) MUST REIGN--till He has put ALL ENEMIES under His feet”--(during the Millennium). According to the structure of 1 Corinthians 15:22-25, AFTER “the tribulation” is DONE, a THIRD STAGE of the First Resurrection will occur so that some saints can enter the Millennium in their glorified flesh. These are the tribulation saints--Revelation 20:4. And the Old Testament saints-- Job 19:25-26.27. The SEQUENCE of 1 Corinthians 15:22-25 clearly SHOW a Pre-Trib Rapture of the Church! When the “plain sense” makes “perfect sense” seek “no other sense.”28. DETAILS of The Rapture and the Second Coming are VERY DIFFERENT and CANNOT be the same event! We must RIGHTLY DIVIDE the Word of God! 2 Timothy 2:15. _____________________________________ DON’T CONFUSE ISRAEL AND THE CHURCH!29. There’s a DISTINCTION between the Church and Israel. Acts 15:14-15. Romans 11:25-27.30. To suggest that the Church will remain on earth for the tribulation CONFUSES the message of Daniel’s 70th week, and causes the Church TO RECEIVE what was APPOINTED to Israel and their Holy City.31. The UNITY of Daniel’s 70th week is MAINTAINED by the Pre-Trib view. By contrast, the Mid-Trib and Pre-Wrath views DESTROY that unity and CONFUSES God’s PROGRAM for Israel with that of the Church.32. The Post-Trib view denies the clear teaching of the 70th week by subjecting the literal prophecy to one form or another of allegory. It gives Israel’s destiny to the Church!33. In the 70th week (during the “tribulation”) as prophesied in Zechariah 13:8-9--TWO-THIRDS of Israel will NOT SURVIVE, but will PERISH. A THIRD part of them will come through THE FIRE of that time, REFINED like silver and gold, and will SAY that the Lord is their God. It’s NOT the Church who will be refined by that terrible judgment!34. The PROPHECY for ISRAEL clearly says, “Seventy weeks are DETERMINED upon your people (Daniel’s people--Israel) and upon your Holy City (Jerusalem).” Daniel 9:24. There is NO MENTION of the Church.35. The Church Age fits into a PARENTHESIS that happens between Daniel’s 69th and 70th week.36. God STOPPED Israel’s CLOCK in order for the Church Age to happen. God won’t RESTART Israel’s CLOCK until the after Church Age is finished.37. The dispensation of Israel (under the law) was INTERRUPTED by the dispensation of God’s Grace through the Church. When the dispensation of GRACE in the Church is complete, then God will RESUME and FINISH the INTERRUPTED dispensation of His law in Israel. Clearly shown by the GAP between the 69th and 70th weeks of Daniel 9:24-27.38. Yes, there are DISPENSATIONS in God’s dealing with mankind during the millennia. (I mention this because many people OBJECT to the idea of God having separate programs, especially for the Church and Israel.) A “dispensation” is defined as God’s MANNER OF WORKING as He performs His ADMINISTRATION, overseeing various groups of people throughout the scripture. He has dealt with VARIOUS groups in DIFFERING means of ADMINISTRATION. We can SEE it by paying CAREFUL attention to what’s recorded in the whole Bible. Dispensations are CLEARLY mentioned in 1 Corinthians 9:17, Ephesians 1:10,Ephesians 3:2 and Colossians 1:25-26.39. The tribulation (all 7 years of it) is distinctly JEWISH in nature.40. In the Church, there is NEITHER Jew or Gentile, but ALL are ONE in Christ’s BODY.Ephesians 2:11-22. Galatians 3:28.41. Yet in the tribulation, there IS a distinction. Revelation 7:1-17 --144,000 sealed servants from the twelve tribes of Israel. Jeremiah 30:7 --which speaks of the tribulation as “Jacob’s trouble.”42. During the chapters of Revelation which gives DETAILS about the tribulation, the Church is not mentioned--not even ONCE. From Revelation 6 through Revelation 18.43. The Church is the KEY player (sharing the Gospel) from Acts to Jude.44. The Church is KEY player in Revelation 1 to 5, AND is seen again in Revelation 19 to 22.45. There’s an ABSENCE of TEACHING about the TRIBULATION in KEY “Church-related” Bible passages. That’s why there is NO INSTRUCTION given to the Church on how to LIVE THROUGH the tribulation. BECAUSE the Church will NOT need to know HOW TO SURVIVE the tribulation. The Church will NOT be in it!46. When ISRAEL was CENTRAL in the Old Testament, the Church was a MYSTERY.47. When Israel was the CENTRAL FOCUS in the Gospels, the Church is virtually unmentioned.48. When the CHURCH is the FOCUS in Acts through Jude, ISRAEL is NOT mentioned (EXCEPT when the Apostles told THE CHURCH to NOT to deem themselves better--ISRAEL will be grafted back in. PLUS there is neither Jew nor Greek (Gentile) in the CHURCH, but ALL are the BODY OF CHRIST).49. The Church is CENTRAL in Revelation 1 to 3 (mentioned 19 times), and is also seen in Revelation 4 and 5 in the description of the 24 elders. Israel is NOT mentioned in those first chapters.50. When Israel is in FOCUS IN Revelation 6 to 18, the Church is NOT mentioned.51. Only when God’s PURPOSE for BOTH the Church and Israel is finished--then God SPEAKS of them TOGETHER. Revelation 19 to 22.52. There are NO passages in either the Old or New Testament which SPECIFICALLY SAYS that the Church will go through the tribulation. (Try to find where it SPECIFICALLY SAYS that the Church will be IN the tribulation--it can’t be found!)53. The tribulation is called THE TIME of “Jacob’s Trouble” Jeremiah 30:7. The tribulation is NEVER called the time of “The Church’s Trouble.”54. The Church has NO PART in the first 69 weeks of Daniel’s prophecy, and it will have NO PART in the final 70th week either!55. The GODLY REMNANT of the tribulation have descriptions and attributes upon them--THE SAME as seen upon Old Testament ISRAEL. The Church is NOT present during that time--there are NO “Church-related descriptions” upon tribulation saints.56. THE Pre-Trib view (UNLIKE Mid-Trib, Post-Trib and Pre-Wrath), does NOT CONFUSE terms like “elect” and “saints” OF THE TRIBULATION with the Church. Terms like CHURCH and IN CHRIST apply ONLY to those who are IN the BODY OF CHRIST in THIS AGE, and these terms are NEVER found in passages which relate to the tribulation.57. Israel is NOT cut-off from the COVENANTS that God gave them. But blindness (in part) will be their destiny UNTIL the Church is complete. Acts 15:14-16. Romans 11:1 and Romans 11:25-27. _____________________________________ PARTIAL AND DUAL FULFILLMENT'S IN PROPHECY58. Many prophecies have the characteristic of showing a LOCAL fulfillment (AT or NEAR the time when it was given), then they JUMP AHEAD to the TIME OF THE END--when they are COMPLETELY fulfilled.59. These are known as PARTIAL FULFILLMENT'S or DUAL FULFILLMENT'S--which are NOTHING UNUSUAL in the scripture.60. EXAMPLE ONE: In Daniel 11:1-45, the prophecy discusses IN DETAIL the Greek Empire, Alexander the Great, the breaking of the Greek Empire into four parts, wars between kings of the south (Egypt, the Ptolemies) and kings of the north (Syria, the Seleucids), and the arrival of Antiochus IV Epiphanes (a powerful TYPE of the Antichrist). In the middle of showing THE WORK of Antiochus Epiphanes, the prophecy SKIPS to THE END, to focus upon the “ultimate antichrist” (from verses Daniel 11:36-45).61. EXAMPLE TWO: When Jesus BEGAN His ministry, He read from the prophecy of Isaiah, quoting UP TO the phrase “the acceptable year of the Lord.” And he closed the book. Jesus stopped reading in the middle of a sentence, because THE REMAINDER of that passage will be fulfilled at the time of THE END, in the tribulation--beginning with “and the day of vengeance of our God.” Luke 4:18-19. Isaiah 61:1-3.62. EXAMPLE THREE: In Daniel 9:24, the prophet starts showing 70 weeks which are determined upon Israel. It’s fulfilled right up to A SPECIFIC DAY--when Jesus rode the donkey into Jerusalem, allowing the people to declare Him as King: “Blessed be the King Who comes in the name of the Lord.” (Luke 19:38, Palm Sunday). Then Messiah was CUT OFF (crucified), just like Daniel prophesied. Jesus KNEW what was DECREED to occur, because He lamented in Luke 19:42 --“If you (Israel) had known, even you, at least in THIS YOUR DAY, the things which belong unto your peace! But NOW they are HID from your eyes.” (The fulfillment of Daniel 9:26 is AN EXACT amount of 173,880 days--that scholars in Israel should have KNOWN--from THE TIME of the DECREE to rebuild Jerusalem after the Babylonian captivity until PALM SUNDAY! “THIS YOUR DAY” (for Israel) was Nisan 10--THE DAY when the nation CHOSE their LAMBS for Passover. The EXACT DAY in history was April 6, 32 A.D.--when Jesus, the TRUE LAMB OF GOD, entered Jerusalem on the donkey.) Then He was CUT OFF. The REMAINDER of Daniel’s prophecy, in verse Daniel 9:27, JUMPS to THE END (after the parenthetical AGE of THE CHURCH is inserted). After the Church is COMPLETE, and TAKEN to HEAVEN in the Pre-Trib Rapture, the LAST SEVEN YEARS of Israel’s prophecy will be fulfilled during the tribulation. (References: Sir Robert Anderson--“The Coming Prince.” Chuck Missler’s “The Precision of Prophecy--Daniel’s 70 Weeks” DAYS AS USUAL--UNTIL THE CHURCH DISAPPEARS IN THE PRE-TRIB RAPTURE63. InMatthew 24:36-42 and Luke 17:26-27, we see the EVENTS (plural) of the Church’s Rapture and the Second Coming of Jesus likened to the days of Noah. The KEY thing to see, is that, like in the “days of Noah,” people on earth will be doing BUSINESS AS USUAL--eating and drinking, marrying, giving in marriage--right up to THE DAY that Noah entered the ARK--his shelter from God’s judgment. Likewise, the Church is TAKEN to SAFETY in the Pre-Trib Rapture--then THE WORLD will suffer God’s judgment.64. The world of Noah’s time was exceedingly wicked and violent, ripe for judgment. The world, at the time of the Pre-Trib Rapture, will be exceedingly wicked and violent, ripe for judgment. 2 Timothy 1:1-3. 2 Timothy 3:1-9.65. Noah’s ark was LIFTED ABOVE the JUDGMENT, and ALL within the ARK were KEPT SAFE and were NOT judged. So likewise, the Church will be LIFTED ABOVE the judgment, and take to heaven, in our ARK, Jesus, and will NOT suffer WRATH.66. The ARK had only ONE DOOR. Jesus is the ONLY DOOR through which people may come to God and BE SAVED from the HIS WRATH. John 14:6.67. Noah and the ark CAN be pictured as Israel kept safe THROUGH the JUDGMENT, but that interpretation does NOT take into account that TWO-THIRDS of Israel will PERISH in the tribulation’s judgment. Zechariah 13:9. NOBODY perished on Noah’s ark! NOBODY in the true Church will perish in the tribulation.68. InLuke 17:28-30, we see the EVENTS (plural) of the Church’s Rapture and the Second Coming of Jesus likened to the days of Lot. Again, the KEY thing to see, is that, like in the “days of Lot,” people in Sodom were conducting BUSINESS AS USUAL. They ate and drank, bought and sold, planted and built--right up to THE DAY that the FIRE hit Sodom. God--(in answer to Abraham, who asked in Genesis 18:1-33 ---“Will You destroy the righteous with the wicked?”)--made sure Lot, a righteous man, was removed from Sodom BEFORE the judgment. God’s PLAIN ANSWER--I will NOT cast the righteous into a time of judgment! Likewise, when the true Church is TAKEN to SAFETY in the Pre-Trib Rapture, THE WICKED WORLD will suffer God’s judgment.69. The city of Lot was exceedingly wicked. Righteous Lot was VEXED by what occurred around him, which is described in Genesis 19:1-38 as blatant, “in your face,” homosexuality. 2 Peter 2:6-9 says that the Lord KNOWS HOW to DELIVER the RIGHTEOUS, and RESERVE THE UNRIGHTEOUS for His day of judgment. The world, prior to the Pre-Trib Rapture, will also show the increase of homosexuality, and like Sodom, will be sorely judged. The true Church, like righteous Lot, will be REMOVED BEFORE the judgment hits (Pre-Trib).70. In Genesis 19:16, we see how Lot lingered. The angels, who were sent to REMOVE Lot from Sodom, LAID HOLD upon Lot’s hand, and also LAID HOLD of Lot’s wife and daughters. The angels BROUGHT them FORTH and SET them outside the city BEFORE the fire could fall. In the ACTION of LAID HOLD, we see that the angels SEIZED Lot and his family BY FORCE to REMOVED them--the EXACT DEFINITION for “Rapture.” Likewise, BEFORE the tribulation, the true Church will be “seized by force and removed”--THEN the tribulation will come.71. In Genesis 19:22, we see the angel tell Lot to “Haste you, ESCAPE”--(to the small town of Zoar). The angel added (and this is important)--“I CANNOT do anything”--(in judgment) UNTIL you are OUT OF THIS PLACE! Likewise, when God’s WRATH of the tribulation approaches, the judgment CANNOT come UNTIL the true Church is TAKEN out of the earth in the Pre-Trib Rapture.72. In 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, we see that the tribulation (the day of the Lord) will come like a thief in the night, when people are saying, “Peace and safety,” and, to the world’s surprise (and horror) “sudden destruction” will befall them. But the true Church will NOT be caught in it.73. The world will think “peace and safety” is coming. They think by man’s wisdom, society will grow better and better. Do we hear this today? You bet!74. The tribulation judgment will HIT, bringing “sudden destruction.” The unrighteous world will NOT ESCAPE. The true Church, however, will NOT be overtaken in that time. We true Christians (BORN-AGAIN, REGENERATED, INDWELLED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT, MADE NEW CREATURES IN CHRIST), will obtain SALVATION (the deliverance) from that time of WRATH, and we (whether having died in Jesus--or are alive at the time) will LIVE TOGETHER with Jesus (in heaven in the MANSIONS He’s prepared for us). The pattern of being TAKEN to SAFETY is the SAME throughout scripture--BEFORE God’s judgments come! The Church is promised a Pre-Trib Rapture. Do you believe it? CHURCH’S “COMFORT” IN THE RAPTURE MESSAGE75. The Apostle Paul’s exhortation for the Church to be COMFORTED by “the coming of the Lord” (in 1 Thessalonians 4:18) can ONLY BE TRUE in the CONTEXT of a Pre-Trib Rapture. In the Post-Tribulation view, the Lord’s coming is a FEARSOME thing to be dreaded, because of EXPECTING years of horrendous judgments. There’s NO COMFORT in teaching that the Church will go through the tribulation.76. We, the true Church are told to LOOK FOR the “glorious appearing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” Titus 2:13. IF other prophetic events MUST happen BEFORE Jesus can appear, that verse is foolish and doesn’t make sense.77. We are to PURIFY OURSELVES in view of Jesus’ soon appearing (1 John 3:2-3). IF His coming is NOT IMMINENT, then that passage is meaningless, too. (People can think, “If He’s NOT going to appear soon, then why bother with being pure?--let’s do what we want for a while.”) Our BLESSED HOPE in the PRE-TRIB RAPTURE, and it’s IMMINENCE, keeps us on our toes, spiritually.78. The Church is told to LOOK ONLY for “the coming of Christ” in the Rapture (often called “His appearing”): IF we must LOOK for other prophecies FIRST, that DOESN’T make sense either. Titus 2:1379. The Church is told TO ONLY LOOK for the coming of Jesus in the Rapture: It is ISRAEL and the tribulation saints who must LOOK for SIGNS of the Second Coming, and who must ENDURE until the end of the tribulation. NATURE OF THE CHURCH AND THE PROMISED RAPTURE80. People will be CONFUSED about Jesus’ coming FOR His Church, if they do NOT understand the TRUE NATURE of the Church as a UNIQUE BODY of God’s people, A BRIDE for Jesus.81. In the Revelation, WRATH is seen 10 times.Revelation 6:16, Revelation 6:17, Revelation 11:18, Revelation 14:10, Revelation 14:19, Revelation 15:1, Revelation 15:7, Revelation 16:1, Revelation 16:19, and Revelation 19:15. The Church is “not appointed to wrath.” Romans 5:1 and Romans 5:9, 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10, 1 Thessalonians 5:9, and Revelation 3:10. The Church, therefore, CANNOT enter into the “great day of God’s wrath.”82. In Revelation 3:10, a FAITHFUL and TRUE Church is promised to be KEPT OUT OF the TIME of TEMPTATION which shall COME UPON the WHOLE WORLD to TRY them who DWELL UPON THE EARTH. This TEMPTATION is the EXPERIENCE of EVIL, ADVERSITY, and EXTREME TROUBLE. Jesus TOLD us to PRAY, “and lead us NOT into TEMPTATION, but DELIVER us from EVIL.” While this is correctly interpreted to mean protection from “ordinary everyday troubles” we face on this earth, it can also have an extended meaning. “TEMPTATION” is the VERY SAME GREEK WORD as seen in Revelation 3:10 --defined as that TIME of THE WORST EVIL which has ever happened on the earth (Matthew 24:21-22). Why would Jesus ask us to PRAY to be DELIVERED from that EVIL, if there isn't a pre trib rapture?

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