Thursday, November 14, 2013

Typhoon in the Philippines 11/08/2013

AS it was in the days of Noah--this has been on my heart since the tragedy happened so many lost and dead all ages--as it was in the flood of Noah's day. As I have viewed the destruction we all see I see the remnants of the world AFTER THE RAPTURE and AFTER THE GREAT FLOOD of Noah's day as the waters abated and the land dried up I am certain there were dead animals,bodies homes flattened,ALL DESTROYED. GOD in HIS MERCY AND GRACE saved Noah and his family for bigger missionary purposes as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the coming of the son of man--HE IS COMING SOON and HIS PURPOSE in all of this will be revealed--it was an warningto all of humanity may they turn their lives OVER TO THE LIVING SOON COMING KING OF KINGS--

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to HIS coming and perhaps selfishly pray for it.
