Saturday, August 31, 2013


Update: Does Syria's Uprising or US Involvement Mean the Damascus Prophecy is Near? To answer this question, let's review what the preceding sections have shown: Prophecy points to the end of Damascus through a nuclear weapon, such as Israel, the archenemy of Syria, has been building and testing for several decades. Other Arab/Muslim capital cities are also destroyed following a joint attack by Syria and other Arab nations around Israel, per Psalm 83. Before Damascus is destroyed, Psalm 83 describes an alliance of Israel's neighbors bent on wiping out Israel and all memory of her. Taking on a nuclear power like Israel is suicidal until nuclear parity is achieved. One bomb or "suitcase" nuke is not enough when you're provoking a country with missile defense and a capable nuclear arsenal. When you understand the above, it is hard to figure the uprising in Sryia that began in 2011 as directly leading to Damascus' destruction. Similarly, any US strike or involvement in Syria is not going to help the Damscus prophecy come about. The Psalm 83 war alliance still must appear first and none of the above seems to obviously set the stage for that. It is possible that Syria will have a change in leadership because of the uprising or US military involvement. Yet it does not seem necessary or helpful to the development of the required war alliance. After all, Syria today is already radical and voicing what Psalm 83 says the Arab confederacy will all say together. When more and more Arab nations sound like Syria and Iran, then Damascus' end is nigh. Nevertheless, at the rate things have been going, it could easily take until the 2020s before the Arabs have nukes and are ready to agree to take on the formidable enemy that is Israel. Until then I think it's safe to say that the latest incarnation of trouble in the Middle East should be filed under what Jesus warned us to not be troubled by: Matthew 24:6 (HCSB) — You are going to hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, because these things must take place, but the end is not yet.

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