Monday, September 28, 2015

John Hagee Invites Joel Osteen To ‘Preach’ At Cornerstone Church This October

Now The End Begins John Hagee Invites Joel Osteen To ‘Preach’ At Cornerstone Church This October by Geoffrey Grider sd "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" Amos 3:3 (KJV) On Friday, October 23, John Hagee is having Joel Osteen as their keynote guest speaker at Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas. Hagee's website does not mention what "Pastor" Osteen's "sermon" will be on, but you can be sure it won't contain any of those old-fashioned, bigoted, intolerant references to the Holy Bible. No sir, no fear of that happening. john-hagee-invites-joel-osteen-to-preach-cornerstone-church-san-antonio-texas-false-teachers “God said in Numbers 11:23, ‘Moses, is there any limit to My power?’ He was saying, ‘Moses, you saw Me part the Red Sea, stop the sun for Joshua, keep three Hebrew teenagers safe in a fiery furnace, don’t you realize that I can bring water without rain?’ There’s no limit to God’s power.” - posted on Joel Osteen's verified Facebook page, September 15, 2014. Perhaps Joel will regale his audience with the sermon that Oprah, who says that Jesus is not the only way to Heaven, loved so much, "The Power Of I Am". Maybe he will take the time to tell Pastor Hagee's church why he doesn't ever preach against homosexuality, and what his secret connection to Houston's notorious anti-Christian mayor, Annise Parker, is all about. If nothing else, Joel can always share with them his superior Bible knowledge as he displayed on his Facebook page back in September of 2014: “God said in Numbers 11:23, ‘Moses, is there any limit to My power?’ He was saying, ‘Moses, you saw Me part the Red Sea, stop the sun for Joshua, keep three Hebrew teenagers safe in a fiery furnace, don’t you realize that I can bring water without rain?’ There’s no limit to God’s power.” - posted on Joel Osteen's verified Facebook page, September 15, 2014. Deleted after people started checking the Bible. The real question, and better question, is why John Hagee would allow this mess into his church. Whatever the reason, I am sure it has nothing to do with Dual Covenant Theology or the infamous Chapter 10 of "In Defense Of Israel", where John Hagee made these ridiculous, unbiblical assertions about Jesus Christ: "This book will expose the sins of the fathers and the vicious abuse of the Jewish people.'In Defense of Israel' will shake Christian theology. It scripturally proves that the Jewish people as a whole did not reject Jesus as Messiah. It will also prove that Jesus did not come to earth to be the Messiah. It will prove that there was a 'Calvary conspiracy' between Rome, the high priest, and Herod to execute Jesus as an insurrectionist too dangerous to live. Since Jesus refused by word and deed to claim to be the Messiah, how can the Jews be blamed for rejecting what was never offered?" - from John Hagee's book, 'In Defense of Israel" Share this video before Hagee's lawyers have it taken down, they like to do that. Hagee's book was rewritten shortly after it was released to deal with the firestorm of protests from people who actually know that Jesus really did come to be the Messiah, and that the Bible teaches that He did, right here in fact: "The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things. Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he." John 4:25,26 (KJV) Well, you know what? Maybe having Laodicean Bible know-nothing, motivational speaker Joel Osteen is the perfect man to fill the pulpit at Cornerstone Church.

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