Monday, November 24, 2014

The Ways in Which the Jezebel Spirit Will Operate

The Ways in Which the Jezebel Spirit Will Operate In part 1, I talk about What is a Jezebel spirit. Here are 11 specific things I have isolated on this spirit once it moves in on someone to set up shop. Again, this type of spirit likes to play the same kind of games every time it moves in and attaches to someone. The Evil Personality Traits of the Jezebel Spirit The Spider Web Analogy There Will Be a Charismatic Type Energy on the Host Likes To Attach to Sharp, Intelligent, and Attractive People When It Can Will Always Seek to be the Center of Attention Will Seek to Infiltrate, Attack, and Undermine Everything Will Go After Anyone in a Leadership Position Runs in Tandem With a Mocking Spirit Especially Hates Prophets, Prayer, and Spiritual Warfare Will Occasionally Expose Itself on a Photo The Host Usually Will Not Know They Have This Kind of Spirit in Them Now I will briefly discuss each one of these so you can see how this type of spirit will attempt to move against you and bring you and everything you are connected to completely down. 1. The Evil Personality Traits of the Jezebel Spirit I want to start this off with the actual traits of this evil spirit, so you can have all of this information right at the top of this section. Below is a list of the personality traits of this kind of evil spirit. The Jezebel spirit will try to infect and contaminate the person it is in so they too will operate with these same kinds of evil traits. It has always amazed me over the years that this kind of spirit can get very smart and intelligent people to do its evil bidding so easily. Some of these people will say and do some of the most horrible things, but yet find some way to rationalize it and think they are perfectly justified in doing what they are doing. This spirit will play some of these people like fiddles, like a puppet on a string, with the puppet master being the Jezebel spirit itself. Here are some of the evil personality traits to look for with a person who has been operating under this spirit’s evil influence for quite some time. Pure Evil and Hate Vile Maximum Pride Highly Lustful and Seductive Highly Self-Centered and Narcissistic Will Always Seek To Be the Center of Attention Very Judgmental, Critical, Condescending, and Demeaning Overly Demanding and Manipulating Cold, Ruthless, Cunning, and Calculating Very Combative and Confrontational Very Good at Lying and Cheating Cannot Stand Any Type of Constructive Criticism Hates All Prophets, Prayer, and Anything to Do With Spiritual Warfare Will Be Capable of Giving False Prophecies, Visions, and Dreams This spirit operates with maximum pride in it. As a result, it will try to infect the host with that same kind of pride. And once it does, the host will no longer be able to accept any type of constructive criticism from anyone. The host will seek its own throne and they will now have to be the total center of attention. Everything will now be about them and them alone. They also will no longer be able to bond with anyone because they are now totally self-sufficient in their own blown-up egos. The only true friends they will have are the people who will get duped into falling into their web of deceit and lies, where they will now become their mindless followers. These people will have all of their true friends leave them because no one wants to be around this kind of evil spirit and around these kinds of negative, evil, and destructive personality traits. And then sooner or later it happens, this person completely fails and falls, as well as losing anything that is close to them. And this was all due to them allowing this kind of evil spirit to get on the inside of them in the first place, and from there, blindly follow this evil spirit’s leadings to do what it wanted them to do.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

"Will The Master Find You Watching?"

"Will The Master Find You Watching?" By Bobby Blanton “Jesus is coming soon!” they have boldly proclaimed. And the truth is, people in each generation before us, who were convinced that they would be the last, were obviously wrong. We’ve heard all of this before and most have grown weary and tired of any conversation or warnings about end times: “My preacher doesn’t preach about it, the Sunday school teacher doesn’t teach about it, so why should I even think about it? Weren’t we told that no man would know the day or hour? That ought to settle it. And Hal Lindsey, is he even still living? Hand me the remote please!” Hold on, don’t change that channel just yet. Can we really know? Are we really at the very end of days? It’s an important question and one I believe the Bible answers clearly, so let’s begin... Jesus gave us an important end-time prophecy shortly before His crucifixion, which is recorded in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. Jesus’ disciples wanted to know what to watch for... “Tell us when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” (Matthew 24:3). Jesus responded with a somber warning: ”Watch out that no one deceives you.” Jesus knew that His answer held eternal consequences and wasn’t suggesting that we be passive spectators. No, He was commanding us to stay wide awake as we watch for certain signs—clear indications that would alert us to His soon return. Matthew, a Jewish tax collector and disciple of Jesus, penned it this way: “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him” (Matthew 24: 42-44). That’s about as clear as it gets! I hope you agree. How about another Jewish disciple, Mark. What was his message? Glad you asked... “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door. Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. Therefore keep watch because you do not know when the owner of the house will come back—whether in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or at dawn. If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping. What I say to you, I say to everyone: ‘Watch!’” (Mark 13:28-30, 35-37). Is that clear enough? It should be. And Luke, the doctor, the gentile Christian, what was his take? Again, glad you asked... “Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man” (Luke 21:36). The Bible speaks volumes about the uncertain times in which we live and the Lord does not want any of us to be unprepared: Watch, pay attention, be alert, be vigilant, on guard, focused and fully awake! Could His instruction be any clearer? How prepared is this world for “the Lord Himself to come down from heaven with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God?” (1 Thess. 4:16). Many recent headlines and significant events that have come to pass in both this nation and around the world should draw us into God’s Word to help us sort it all out. But I don’t see that happening, I see a world asleep to the realities of what the Bible says, the masses seemingly without even a clue. So what are we watching for? What are our greatest clues? For those of us who are paying attention, the evidence just keeps mounting and escalating, both in intensity and frequency. And it all begins and ends with Israel, the city of Jerusalem and the Jewish people. For the end to come and any of this matter, He who scattered the Jews had to bring them back into the land and make them a nation again, 1948, check. Jerusalem had to become whole again under Jewish sovereignty, 1967, check. The primary “sign” that would mark the end of the age was in place, the “fig tree” had re-blossomed and we would know that summer is near! The birth pangs could begin! Now, can you tell me what day of any week that there isn’t an international news story surrounding this tiny nation? Jerusalem has become “a stone too heavy and the whole world is reeling over Jerusalem” (Zech. 12:3). The attention of the world remains riveted on “dividing” the land of Israel and the diplomatic effort is being led by President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry. We continue to watch a world that is enthralled in wars and rumors of wars. Islamic terrorism is the new norm in the Middle East. ISIS through evil, horror and beheadings has consolidated borders of a new “caliphate” and have their eyes set upon Jerusalem. Ayatullah Khamenei threatens to annihilate Israel and marches Iran defiantly toward a nuclear bomb. Putin continues to flex his muscles after leading Russia to take over Crimea in Ukraine. Where will he end? I think I know where, because God has told us—in Ezekiel 38. The United States of America, led by Barack Hussein Obama, has embarked upon a course to challenge and redefine God’s family order, and now it’s a race toward all 50 states with new gay marriage laws. He has methodically and dangerously led this nation to a diminished stature as a world superpower. But the greatest danger is that there’s a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him. We have removed God and prayer from our children in schools and are shocked at the breaking news of yet another tragic shooting. How about the unprecedented increase in violent earthquakes and volcanoes all over the world? Ebola, drought, famine, where does it end? The headlines paint a picture of a world feeling birth pangs. And then there is the unmistakable sign of the false teachings coming from so many churches. No need to teach truth or sound doctrine, it might offend or convict someone of sin and a need for the Savior. To stay relevant in a changing world, many will marry same-sex couples, ordain homosexual clergy, and by the way—there’s no need to talk about repentance. Are they serious? God help us! He said that: “Day” would not come except there be a falling away first (2 Thess. 2:3.) That falling apostate church has arrived and is on full display. And then there are the signs coming out of the heavens. God is aligning the sun, moon, and stars for an extremely rare tetrad of four blood moons in 2014 and 2015 that all appear on Jewish Feast days and also during a Shemitah year. We are there folks. For the first time in 2000 years, you and I are seeing the many signs of a generation that the Hebrew prophets spoke of long ago. Thousands of years of Jewish history is about to reach its final climax, and we have a front row seat. Something big is about to happen that will change the course of world history. Let’s get personal for a moment...What road is your life on? What map are you using to get to the right gate? What God is your life serving? Your answers and your testimony matter, and the One and Only, “I AM” God suggests the following... “Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning, like servants waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him. It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes” (Luke 12:35-37). God Bless, Bobby All emboldened Scripture is added by the author for emphasis.

Around The Corner

Around The Corner Around the corner I have a friend, In this great city that has no end, Yet the days go by and weeks rush on, And before I know it, a year is gone. And I never see my old friends face, For life is a swift and terrible race, He knows I like him just as well, As in the days when I rang his bell. And he rang mine but we were younger then, And now we are busy, tired men. Tired of playing a foolish game, Tired of trying to make a name. "Tomorrow" I say! "I will call on Jim Just to show that I'm thinking of him", But tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes, And distance between us grows and grows. Around the corner, yet miles away, "Here's a telegram sir," "Jim died today." And that's what we get and deserve in the end. Around the corner, a vanished friend. © by owner. Added by volunteers for educational purposes and provided at no charge - See more at:

Friday, November 14, 2014

The Darling

The Darling Let's keep it simple. You're a real darling! You don't even have to admit the fact that people are pulled in by your charming nature. What is inside you also shows on the outside, and it's simply irresistible. Perhaps what's most refreshing about you is that you never comprise yourself and don't need to apologize. You're loved for who you are.