Sunday, February 21, 2016
va post 2/21/2016
My fellow veterans and widows---both men and women have been constantly denied their rights and benefits they fought for and many have died as a results of the injuries and delays getting treatment--the horror stories I have read on the Veterans Administration site here is appalling.
There is a widely known statement when one enlists (excuse the words) once you sign on the dotted line 'give your heart to God cause your a-- belongs to the military--(the recruiter will never tell you just how much they get paid to 'recruit' new members lie and do all you have to to get them trapped in a contract)
The delay for awards to the SERVICE CONNECTED and deceased veterans widows--you name it it has been defrauded and exploited--.
PLEASE check this out for yourself (I have NO REASON to lie to you guys and gals)
So you are denied--o.k. appeal--really?were you EVER given the board meeting where you went before the board and stated your case??
O.k. maybe you did and STILL DENIED--now let's do a review --HOW MANY SECRETARIES of VETERANS AFFAIRS has you case been denied by?????? Kinda of strange no one wants to grant to the men women and surviving widows what is due them-
Here is a list and the webby where you can search for yourself (Also examine under whose presidential appointment were you denied)
YOU were the one on the battlefield and YOU were the one who took the bullets/ied's lost limbs and in many cases lives while the upper echelons YOU men and WOMEN were protecting were not aware of the extreme danger you were in ,as a result you were 'forgotten' after all 'war is hell' yep and the survivors who have not gotten their awards and monthly compensation is hell on the widows children and more.
Ed Derwinski Illinois March 15, 1989 September 26, 1992 George H. W. Bush
– Anthony Principi.jpg Anthony Principi[1]
(acting) California September 26, 1992 January 20, 1993
2 Jesse brown va.jpg Jesse Brown Illinois January 22, 1993 July 1, 1997 Bill Clinton
– Gober sm.jpg Hershel W. Gober[2]
(acting) Arkansas July 1, 1997 January 2, 1998
3 TogoDWest.jpg Togo D. West, Jr. District of Columbia January 2, 1998[3] May 5, 1998
May 5, 1998 July 25, 2000
– Gober sm.jpg Hershel W. Gober[2]
(acting) Arkansas July 25, 2000 January 20, 2001
4 Anthony Principi.jpg Anthony Principi California January 23, 2001 January 26, 2005 George W. Bush
5 JimNicholson.jpg Jim Nicholson,
Colonel, USA (Ret.) Colorado January 26, 2005 October 1, 2007
– Gordon H. Mansfield.jpg Gordon H. Mansfield[4]
(acting) Florida October 1, 2007 December 20, 2007
6 PeakeJames.jpg James B. Peake,
Lt.Gen., USA (Ret.) District of Columbia December 20, 2007 January 20, 2009
7 Eric Shinseki official Veterans Affairs portrait.jpg Eric Shinseki,
General, USA (Ret.) Hawaii January 20, 2009 May 30, 2014 Barack Obama
– Sloan Gibson.jpg Sloan D. Gibson
(acting) Alabama May 30, 2014 July 30, 2014
8 Robert A. McDonald Official Portrait.jpg Robert McDonald,
Captain, USA Ohio July 30, 2014 present
1 Anthony Principi served as acting secretary in his capacity as Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs September 26, 1992—January 20, 1993.
2 Hershel W. Gober served as acting secretary in his capacity as Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs July 1, 1997—January 2, 1998 and July 25, 2000—January 20, 2001.[5]
3 West served as acting Secretary from January 2, 1998[6] to May 5, 1998.[7]
4 Gordon H. Mansfield served as acting secretary in his capacity as Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs October 1—December 20, 2007.[8]
Living former Secretaries of Veterans Affairs[edit]
As of February 2016, there are five living former Secretaries of Veterans Affairs, the oldest being Jim Nicholson (2005-2007, born 1938). The most recent Secretary of Veterans Affairs to pass away was Ed Derwinski (1989-1992), on January 15, 2012.
Name Term of office Date of birth (and age)
Togo D. West, Jr. 1998-2000 June 21, 1942 (age 73)
Anthony Principi 2001–2005 April 16, 1944 (age 71)
Jim Nicholson 2005-2007 February 4, 1938 (age 78)
James Peake 2007–2009 June 18, 1944 (age 71)
Eric Shinseki 2009–2014 November 28, 1942 (age 73)
United States Secretary of Veterans Affairs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The United States Secretary of Veterans Affairs is the head of…
Donna Schmier
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Heaven Is for Real -- and Hell Is, Too
Heaven Is for Real -- and Hell Is, Too
By Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
The Bible teaches that every soul was formed in the womb to live for eternity. Every soul is immortal, but not every immortal soul will live forever in heaven. In The Problem of Pain, C. S. Lewis lays out the logic of hell. I will paraphrase Lewis' words to give you the gist of his thinking.
Lewis says, in effect, "I would give anything to be able to truthfully say, 'Everyone will be saved.' But my reason replies, 'Should God save people against their will?' The doctrine of hell says that God is so loving and merciful that He actually became a man and submitted Himself to death by torture to save us from eternal ruin -- yet, when we refuse to accept the gift of salvation, God permits us to choose hell of our own free will, and He won't lift a finger to stop us from destroying ourselves."
In his original quotation, Lewis concludes: "Here is the real problem: so much mercy, yet still there is hell." Lewis is absolutely right. The real question is not whether the doctrine of hell is detestable. Of course it's detestable. The notion of hell chills us to the marrow. Yet we still must answer the question, "Is it true?"
The Bible is clear: the wages of sin is death -- eternal death (Romans 6:23). So what is eternal death? It is separation from God in hell forever and ever. That's bad news -- but there is good news, the greatest news in the history of the human race. While every one of us deserves hell, God in His mercy offers us eternal life as a free gift.
It may be elementary to you, but there are many false teachers who are denying these simple truths -- and many believers are falling for it. So I want to make sure you know that not only is heaven for real, but hell is for real as well. God is holy and just. And God is love. If you reject His love, demonstrated on the cross, then you will be judged by God's holiness -- and you will receive God's judgment.
Jesus tells us in Revelation that those who reject His offer of salvation will suffer "the second death." But this warning of hell is coupled with an invitation to heaven and everlasting life: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. Those who are victorious will inherit all this, and I will be their God and they will be my children" (Revelation 21:67).
Prayer: God, thank You for Your incredible sacrifice. I am in awe of Your grace and justice. Thank You for saving me from hell and to heaven. I pray that You would grant me compassion and courage to share Your gift of salvation with those around me. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand" (John 10:27-28).
Friday, February 19, 2016
Like a Thief
February 19, 2016
Like a Thief
By Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
There is a significant intermission between the sixth and seventh bowls of God's judgment in Revelation 16. There, the Lord inserts a parenthetical statement -- and it's a powerful one. He says, "Look, I come like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake and remains clothed, so as not to go naked and be shamefully exposed" (Revelation 16:15).
I have heard this verse quoted as a warning to be ready for the Lord's return. But I think the Lord gave it to us as a message of encouragement. This verse always blesses me. It tells me that even though the world is plunging headlong into depravity, we can trust God. Don't lose heart; don't lose faith. The Lord will come like a thief, when the world least expects Him.
If the words "I come like a thief" sound familiar, it's because Jesus made a similar statement to His disciples:
Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him. (Matthew 24:4244)
The apostle Paul used that same metaphor: "You know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night" (1 Thessalonians 5:2). And the apostle Peter used it as well: "The day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare" (2 Peter 3:10). We should heed every word God tells us -- but when He makes the same statement four times in His Word, we really need to take notice.
The Day of the Lord will come like a thief to those who are spiritually asleep, but we who are alert and watchful know it's going to be a great day.
Prayer: Lord, when I am overwhelmed by the brokenness of this world and the thought of enduring suffering and persecution, give me an eternal vision of Your love and purpose. Help me to trust in You and find peace in Your saving grace and Your coming Kingdom. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
"Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come" (Matthew 24:42).
Sunday, February 14, 2016
balentines day
My Valentines Day:):)
Donna Schmier © Copyright 2011
My wonderful husband gave me the most wonderful day!!!A HUGE bouquet of red roses, a day filled with laughter hugs companionship and so much LOVE the birds were singing so strong each song just for us. He laughed at me when I asked him when my house would be ready since he is having one built exactly for me with a beautiful stream in the yard, he loves to tease me telling me not yet my love not yet.
A wonderful dinner just the two of us and it was so grand—he is so attentive, listens to and answers every word I say as if I am the only person in the world He looks at me with such love and devotion and I am so very blessed to call him my husband.
With a tender kiss to seal our day he brushes my hair from my face and looks at me so lovingly—as I turn off the light the moonlight spills across the pillow as I drift off to sleep, I could have NEVER asked for any better husband. I love you so much my dear one
Sunday, February 7, 2016
email I would like to send Jinkee Pacquio
What an awesome family you and Manny are really blessed--
I see that among your many talents you are also an artist--I have met Rosemarie Jamora several times and Ricky I understand you guys are here in Vegas--
Since you are Christians perhaps you would like to read my 5 books I have written I gave Rosemarie a list of them when I saw her last Sunday at Melody's house --
I ALWAYS love to fellowship with other believers of the CHRISTIAN FAITH-- was hoping I could meet you and Manny during your busy time here in Vegas.
I am blessed to read Manny's testimony and how the Lord has blessed him through YOU:):)
Please review my work as I to am an artist I only write Christian literature and have 5 published books perhaps you would be blessed by them. Donna Schmier
Sometimes God Speaks In A Whisper
Unshakable Faith
How big is YOUR forgiveness?
God's Last Name Is NOT DAMN
Ruth Walker Mystery of the Lights
God Bless you guys and keep your eyes on the Master
(I have no idea how my devotional for today jumped onto your page but the word is so well worth it:):)
In The Masters Service
Donna Schmier (a/k./a FAITH WALKER)
February 7, 2016
The Storms We Cause
By Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
We can trace the origins of our storms to three primary sources. Some storms are of our own making -- the direct consequence of sin in our lives. Other storms are caused by the actions of other people, and some are simply intended to test us.
In Jonah's case, his storm was a direct consequence of his disobedience. When storms result from our sin, we must first repent of that sin before even attempting to work through the consequences.
The Scripture tells us, "'My son, do not make light of the Lord's discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, . . . Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father? . . . No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it" (Hebrews 12:5-7, 11).
Prayer: God, show me if there is sin in my life that is causing a storm. Help me to confess and repent so I can bear the consequences with humility and have peace as I rest in Your grace and mercy. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9).
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