Thursday, October 30, 2014
Sucker's Bet
By Todd Strandberg
Sucker's Bet
I'm very keen to read ever-negative email sent to Rapture Ready. Reading all the letters that disagree with the site helps me better understand why people have trouble with the end-time message. I use this information to help me refine the advice we offer to the public.
At the heart of many emails is content I identify as the "Sucker's Bet." The people who send us these messages view us "Doomsday Christians" as wasting our lives by endlessly waiting for a Lord who is never coming. They base their opinion on the idea that Jesus hasn't come in 2000 years, so this complete lack of activity should prove that He is not coming at all.
Some of these people bet they will have the satisfaction of watching me squander my life on a meaningless quest. But I'm not sure where they see the payoff. If I outlive them, there is no payoff. If they outlive me, some other Christian will carry on the bet. The only wager I see is their hope that Jesus doesn't come back and bring their carefree existence to a premature end.
What is a "Sucker's Bet"? It's a gamble that someone makes based on a false view of the odds. Someone believes he has a higher likelihood of winning than he actually does. In most cases, the sucker does not realize he is being put at a disadvantage. It's not until these people come up shorthanded that they realize they run afoul of the rules of logical thinking.
Games of Chance
The genesis of deception begins with the failure to understand that the world is filled with people who are constantly scheming ways to deceive us. A wise person uses critical thinking to assess all questionable situations. I can think of three popular games of chance that perfectly illustrate that things are not always what they appear to be.
Milk Bottle Toss -- If you have ever been to a carnival, you may have seen the "milk bottle toss." The game may have other names, but it usually involves trying to use three or four beanbags to knock down six small metal bottles that are stacked in a pyramid. What makes this a sucker's bet is the fact that the three bottles on the bottom of the pyramid are much heavier than the ones on top. While the three lighter-weight bottles on the top row can be easily knocked over, toppling those on the bottom requires a direct hit.
"Let's Make a Deal" -- Back in the late 1970s, several TV game shows offered people the chance of winning big prizes through a random selection. In one of these setups, a contestant was told to chose from five boxes, with one containing the top prize and the others containing prizes of lesser value. After the person made his or her selection, the host would often open three of the remaining boxes, giving the impression that the contestant now had a 50/50 chance of being a big winner. Because the host knew which box contained the keys to the shiny new Buick, the contestant's chances were still only 20 percent. If the host offered him $5,000 to pass on the opportunity to win the car, the wise choice would be to take the money and run.
The Claw -- Another "Sucker's Bet" is the claw vending machine you might see at a mall or at the entrance of a supermarket. The game features prizes--usually plush toys such as teddy bears--heaped inside a clear case. The player puts coins into the machine, activating a joystick that controls the claw for a short time. The catch is that the player can move the claw back, forth, and sideways--but not up or down. As popular as the machines are, they are commonly considered to be rigged. In many cases, the claw lacks the mechanical strength to extract a prize. Inside these one-hooked-bandits is a control box that controls the grip strength and "pay-out" odds. A survey by a British group found that a typical machine is set to offer only a reasonable chance every fourth try. Having played one of these games before, I've noticed my chances were comparable with what they would be if I were blindfolded.
Know the End-Time Odds
I believe people who scoff at prophecy are making a "Sucker's Bet" because they fail to realize that prophecy is in an advanced state of fulfillment. Most of these people make assumptions about end-time prophecy without even studying the evidence.
For centuries we've had general signs that pointed to man's prophetic destiny. While atheists promise a utopian society, the reality is that we are moving closer to the type of self-destruction the Bible warned about.
All bets should have been off when, in 1948, Israel became a nation. The Bible predicted its rebirth, and for several centuries it seemed impossible that this would happen. On several occasions, the Jews almost never had the chance to regather as a nation. Hitler came very close to wiping out any hope of a future Israel.
The critics need to realize that the Bible was correct about the Jews. It didn't predict the Moabites would be reformed as a nation. Of all the thousands of civilizations that existed, Israel is the only nation that has come back from the dead. When the Romans destroyed the State of Israel in 70 AD, I don't think any observer would have been willing to wager that people would be back.
The odds of improbability don't just stop at Israel. Bible prophecy predicted a number of other events that are in the advanced stages of coming true. The Word of God warned that China would rise to be a world power; it foretold of Europe forming a single government; it said the world would someday have a global integrated financial market; and it predicted the diplomatic struggle we see today over who should control Jerusalem.
Jesus said something that makes it all the more risky to bet against prophecy. In Matthew 24:34, He told us, "This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled." There is no consensus on how long "this generation" would last, but because many key prophetic events are in the late stages of development, it would be logical to place us close to the end of that generation.
Betting Against Yourself
Ironically, the Bible prophesies that one of the signs of the end-times is people making "Sucker's Bets." The more these people mock, the more they are pushing the prophetic clock closer to doomsday
. "Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with {their} mocking, following after their own lusts, and saying, 'Where is the promise of His coming? Forever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation'" (2 Pet. 3:3-4).
In a way, these folks are placing bets against themselves. They may verbalize their opposition, but all their chips are on helping to fulfill prophecy. If the end-time message is false, there should be no need for any great concern.
When I respond to people, I reply to the real issue they are secretly addressing. People usually write me because they are bothered by events that confirm Bible prophecy. I point out to them that prophetic fulfillment is the real reason they're mad at me, and I warn them by saying, "If my luck with the end-time signs doesn�t run out soon, yours will."
mike sayer
Mike Sayer
Halloween aka Samhain👹 It's very sad to see how much people are dressing their kids up as some other being. This is a symbolic sign for possession and they are just giving their kids up to this wickedness. We have been trained and Brainwashed to think this is cool! People are partaking on the Highest Satanic Day like they are satanists. We need to WAKEUP!!! Anton Lavey, Who Is a Satanist & author of the "Satanic Bible"
says that Holloween is The night that Satanic occult and
witchcraft powers are at their highest potency level, and any
witch or occultist who has been having difficulty with a spell
or curse can usually achieve success on October 31st because
Satan and his powers are at their best that night! #
The Bible Believers Response To Halloween
Now The End Begins
The Bible Believers Response To Halloween
by NTEB News Desk
Looking At Halloween From The Bible's Perspective
"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret." Ephesians 5:11,12
The Bible says that the Christian is called to liberty, that we are under grace and not under the Law. New life in Jesus Christ has given us freedom to live as we choose to live. But with that freedom comes the awesome responsibility of living our lives in such a way that we are prepared for the Judgment Seat of Christ. Good choices, Godly choices made here on earth will reap crowns in Heaven. But using that same liberty as an occasion for our own selfish desires results in the loss of those crowns. Choose you this day whom ye shall serve, the Bible says. God allows us to make the choices.
October 31st was celebrated by the Druids with many human sacrifices and a festival honoring their sun god and Samhain, the lord of the dead.
All through the Bible we read about Satan, the Devil, whose only goal in life is to trip us up, cause us misery and sorrow. The Bible says that he only comes to seek his victims, kill his victims, and destroy as many lives of the saved and unsaved as possible. He is a constant force luring us astray, and never-ending downward pull to the dark side, and he uses any means possible to complete the mission.
Halloween in America in 2014 is one the most-celebrated "holidays" all year, and Christians participate in it nearly as much as any other group of people. Parents dress their little darlings in princess and cowboy costumes, knock on doors for candy, and decorate the inside and outside of their houses with festive jack-o-lanterns, hanging ghosts, adorable witches and warlocks. But where did this day originate? Let's take a look.
Many Christians celebrate holidays, such as Halloween, without thinking about their origins or true meaning. It is impossible to separate Halloween from the Druids because they originated the "holiday." For several hundred years before Christ, the Celts inhabited what is now France, Germany, England, Scotland and Ireland. Celtic priests were called Druids. These people were eventually conquered by the Romans. Information about the Celts and Druids comes from Caesar and the Roman historians, Greek writings from about 200 B.C., and very early records found in Ireland. Greek and Roman writings about the Druids dwell heavily on their frequent and barbaric human sacrifices. The ancient Irish texts say little about human sacrifices, but detail the Druids' use of magic to raise storms, lay curses on places, kill by the use of spells, and create magical obstacles.
The cute jack-o-lanterns on your front porch were first used by the Druids in their human sacrifices. After they killed their victim, they drained the fat from their body and filled the gourd or pumpkin with it and put a candle wick inside. A sinister face was carved on the outside face of the pumpkin and the wick was lit, burning the fat as fuel. This was done to appease their gods, the dark spirits, Satan.
October 31st was celebrated by the Druids with many human sacrifices and a festival honoring their sun god and Samhain, the lord of the dead. They believed that the sinful souls of those who died during the year were in a place of torment, and would be released only if Samhain was pleased with their sacrifices.
Irish records tell of the fascination the Catholic monks had with the powerful Druids, and Druids soon became important members of their monasteries. Pope Gregory the Great decided to incorporate the Druids' holiday into the church. He made the proclamation, "They are no longer to sacrifice beasts to the devil, but they may kill them for food to the praise of God, and give thanks to the giver of all gifts for His bounty." Pope Gregory III moved the church festival of October 31st to November 1st and called it All Hallows or All Saints' Day. Pope Gregory IV decreed that the day was to be a universal church observance. The term Halloween comes from All Hallows Eve.
The founding fathers of America refused to permit the holiday to be observed because they knew it was a pagan holiday. Halloween was not widely celebrated in the U.S. until about 1900. In the 1840's there was a terrible potato famine in Ireland which sent thousands of Catholic Irish to America. They brought Halloween with them. The modern custom of going from door to door asking for food and candy goes back to the time of the Druids. They believed that sinful, lost souls were released upon the earth by Samhain for one night on October 31st while they awaited their judgment. They were thought to throng about the houses of the living and were greeted with banquet-laden tables. People greatly feared these spirits and thought that the spirits would harm and even kill them if the sacrifices they gave did not appease Samhain. They carved demonic faces into pumpkins or large turnips, placing a candle in them to keep the evil spirits away from their homes.
The modern custom of going from door to door asking for food and candy goes back to the time of the Druids. They believed that sinful, lost souls were released upon the earth by Samhain for one night on October 31st while they awaited their judgment. They were thought to throng about the houses of the living and were greeted with banquet-laden tables. People greatly feared these spirits and thought that the spirits would harm and even kill them if the sacrifices they gave did not appease Samhain. They carved demonic faces into pumpkins or large turnips, placing a candle in them to keep the evil spirits away from their homes.
The tradition of bobbing for apples and giving out nuts came from a Roman addition to the Druidic New Year's eve. The Romans worshiped Pomona who was the goddess of the harvest. They combined their harvest festival to Pomona with Halloween. Very little archeological evidence of the Druids has been found, but there is excellent agreement between the Roman and Irish documents. Both clearly state that the knowledge of the Druids was never committed to writing but passed from generation to generation by oral teaching. This was to protect their secrets. Nothing is put into writing. The Druids continue on secretly with much the same traditions.
When we, the Christians, participate in Halloween we are continuing the Druid tradition that was begun in human sacrifices and worship of the gods of the underworld. The Bible tells us to not merely avoid evil, but to also avoid anything that might appear evil. We are called to be "salt and light" to a lost and dying world. We are called to be a "peculiar people", visibly different from the world around us. Participating in the Devil's holiday, at the very least, is a bad testimony and sends confusing messages to our children.
Use your liberty in Christ any way you chose this October 31st, just remember that one day Jesus will ask you about it at the Judgment Seat.
How will you respond then?
Monday, October 27, 2014
Beware The Demon Gateway Of The Ouija Board
Now The End Begins
Beware The Demon Gateway Of The Ouija Board
by NTEB News Desk
The battle that takes place in the spirit world is all too real
"If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder, And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them; Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the LORD your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul." Deuteronomy 13:1-3
This Halloween, a terrifying new movie based on an old board game called Ouija is being released. Most everyone reading this article knows what a Ouija board is, and many of you have real, scary stories about the times you played it at some point in your life. Please take this friendly word of warning, avoid seeing this movie at all costs. The things portrayed in the film are real things, the bible has a lot to say about devils and demons.
King Saul and the Witch of Endor
"And when Saul enquired of the LORD, the LORD answered him not, neither by dreams, nor by Urim, nor by prophets. Then said Saul unto his servants, Seek me a woman that hath a familiar spirit, that I may go to her, and enquire of her. And his servants said to him, Behold, there is a woman that hath a familiar spirit at Endor." 1 Samuel 28:6,7
King Saul needed answers about an upcoming battle he was about to have with the Philistines. When he prayed to God, God was silent. Instead of patiently waiting for Him to answer, Saul did what he was commanded not to do. He consulted a witch and asked her to bring up the spirit of the deceased prophet Samuel. Up comes Samuel and delivers the news to Saul, his kingdom was to be taken from him and that he and his sons would die on the field of battle. Both those things happened within the next three days. His trip to the psychic cost him his life.
The Demon Possessed Man Of Gadarene
"And when he went forth to land, there met him out of the city a certain man, which had devils long time, and ware no clothes, neither abode in any house, but in the tombs. When he saw Jesus, he cried out, and fell down before him, and with a loud voice said, What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God most high? I beseech thee, torment me not. And Jesus asked him, saying, What is thy name? And he said, Legion: because many devils were entered into him." Luke 8:27,28,30
Jesus went and visited a man that was possessed with a legion of devils. The Encyclopedia Britannica says that a legion can have up to 6,000 soldiers in its ranks. The devils that lived in this man beat him, cut him and cast him into the fire. After Jesus cast them out, the bible says that then the man was found "clothed and in his right mind."
As you can see, the bible talks quite openly about witches, spirits, demons, devils, and all the other things attached to darkness. The bible says that these things are real, and warns the reader in no uncertain terms to stay far away from them. God is trying to protect you if you will heed His warning. Halloween is a night where darkness and demons are given the spotlight, and the spirit that is associated with that night is satanic. Just Google "ouija board horror stories" and read some of the unbelievable experiences people have had while using a Ouija board.
In 2014, America is playing a dangerous game with it's current flirtation with things associated with the Devil. Black Masses, the All-Seeing Eye of Horus and demonic movies are everywhere, and the tide of darkness continues to rise.
"I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: That thou mayest love the LORD thy God, and that thou mayest obey his voice, and that thou mayest cleave unto him: for he is thy life, and the length of thy days: that thou mayest dwell in the land which the LORD sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them." Deuteronomy 30:19,20
NTEB News Desk | October 27, 2014 at 11:33 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
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Saturday, October 25, 2014
Where is the justice
Iran has gone ahead with an execution of a woman despite an international campaign urging a reprieve.
Reyhaneh Jabbari, 26, was hanged in a Tehran prison on Saturday morning. She had been convicted of killing a man she said was trying to sexually abuse her.
Jabbari was arrested in 2007 for the murder of Morteza Abdolali Sarbandi, a former intelligence ministry worker
Monday, October 20, 2014
Nine Scary, Real Technologies That Will Soon Be Implanted Inside You
Now The End Begins
Nine Scary, Real Technologies That Will Soon Be Implanted Inside You
by NTEB News Desk
Implantable everything is right around the corner, there is no stopping it
"But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book,even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased." Daniel 12:4
"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Revelation 13:16,17
The world we live in is finally starting to catch up with the King James Bible, at least a little bit. Thousands of years ago, God declared through His prophets that in the last days there would be an explosion of knowledge, and that the sealed books given to Daniel would be opened. He also said that as this was happening, a man of dark countenance would rise and deceive the whole world. As you read this, we stand poised on the razor's edge of prophetical history. One group, the blood-bought redeemed of the Lord Jesus Christ, wait in anticipation of the Blessed Hope found in Titus 2:13. Everyone else is unwittingly waiting for the Man of Sin to step out of the shadows and onto the world stage.
Our question to you is this - which group are you in?
Wearables will have their moment in the sun, but they're simply a transition technology. Technology will move from existing outside our bodies to residing inside us. That's the next big frontier. Here are nine signs that implantable tech is here now, growing rapidly, and that it will be part of your life (and your body) in the near future.
1. Implantable smartphones
Sure, we're virtual connected to our phones 24/7 now, but what if we were actually connected to our phones? That's already starting to happen. Last year, for instance, artist Anthony Antonellis had an RFID chip embedded in his arm that could store and transfer art to his handheld smartphone.
But what takes the place of the screen if the phone is inside you? Techs at Autodesk are experimenting with a system that can display images through artificial skin. Or the images may appear in your eye implants.
Researchers are experimenting with embedded sensors that turn human bone into living speakers. Other scientists are working on eye implants that let an image be captured with a blink and transmitted to any local storage (such as that arm-borne RFID chip).
2. Healing chips
Right now, patients are using cyber-implants that tie directly to smartphone apps to monitor and treat diseases. A new bionic pancreas being tested at America’s Boston University, for instance, has a tiny sensor on an implantable needle that talks directly to a smartphone app to monitor blood-sugar levels for diabetics.
Scientists in London are developing swallowable capsule-sized circuits that monitor fat levels in obese patients and generate genetic material that makes them feel "full". It has potential as an alternative to current surgery or other invasive ways to handle gross obesity.
Dozens of other medical issues from heart murmurs to anxiety have implant/phone initiatives under way.
3. Cyber pills that talk to your doctor
Implantables won’t just communicate with your phone; they’ll chat up your doctor, too. In a project named Proteus, after the eensy body-navigating vessel in the film Fantastic Voyage, a British research team is developing cyber-pills with microprocessors in them that can text doctors directly from inside your body.
The pills can share (literally) inside info to help doctors know if you are taking your medication properly and if it is having the desired effect.
4. Bill Gates' implantable birth control
The Gates Foundation is supporting an MIT project to create an implantable female compu-contraceptive controlled by an external remote control. The tiny chip generates small amounts of contraceptive hormone from within the woman's body for up to 16 years.
Implantation is no more invasive than a tattoo. And, "The ability to turn the device on and off provides a certain convenience factor for those who are planning their family.", said Dr Robert Farra of MIT.
Gives losing the remote a whole new meaning.
5. Smart tattoos
Tattoos are hip and seemingly ubiquitous, so why not smart, digital tattoos that not only look cool, but can also perform useful tasks, like unlocking your car or entering mobile phone codes with a finger-point?Researchers at the University of Illinois have crafted an implantable skin mesh of computer fibers thinner than a human hair that can monitor your body's inner workings from the surface.
A company called Dangerous Things has an NFC chip that can be embedded in a finger through a tattoo-like process, letting you unlock things or enter codes simply by pointing. A Texas research group has developed microparticles that can be injected just under the skin, like tattoo ink, and can track body processes.
All of these are much wiser choices than the name of a soon-to-be-ex.
6. Brain-computer interface
Having the human brain linked directly to computers is the dream (or nightmare) of sci-fi. But now, a team at Brown University called BrainGate is at the forefront of the real-world movement to link human brains directly to computers for a host of uses.
As the BrainGate website says, "using a baby aspirin-sized array of electrodes implanted into the brain, early research from the BrainGate team has shown that the neural signals can be ‘decoded' by a computer in real-time and used to operate external devices."
Chip maker Intel predicts practical computer-brain interfaces by 2020. Intel scientist Dean Pomerleau said in a recent article, "Eventually people may be willing to be more committed to brain implants."
"Imagine being able to surf the Web with the power of your thoughts."
7. Meltable bio-batteries
One of the challenges for implantable tech has been how to get power to devices tethered inside or floating around in human bodies. You can't plug them in. You can't easily take them out to replace a battery.
A team at Draper Laboratory in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is working on biodegradable batteries. They generate power inside the body, transfer it wirelessly where needed, and then simply melt away. Another project is looking at how to use the body’s own glucose to generate power for implantables.
Think the potato battery of grammar school science, but smaller and much more advanced.
8. Smart dust
Perhaps the most startling of current implantable innovations is smart dust, arrays of full computers with antennas, each much smaller than a grain of sand, that can organize themselves inside the body into as-needed networks to power a whole range of complex internal processes.
Imagine swarms of these nano-devices, called motes, attacking early cancer or bringing pain relief to a wound or even storing critical personal information in a manner that is deeply encrypted and hard to hack.
With smart dust, doctors will be able to act inside your body without opening you up, and information could be stored inside you, deeply encrypted, until you unlocked it from your very personal nano network.
9. The verified self
Implantables hammer against social norms. They raise privacy issues and even point to a larger potential dystopia. This technology could be used to ID every single human being, for example.
Already, the US military has serious programs afoot to equip soldiers with implanted RFID chips, so keeping track of troops becomes automatic and worldwide. Many social critics believe the expansion of this kind of ID is inevitable.
Some see it as a positive: improved crime fighting, universal secure elections, a positive revolution in medical information and response, and never a lost child again. Others see the perfect Orwellian society: a Big Brother who, knowing all and seeing all, can control all.
And some see the first big, fatal step toward the Singularity, that moment when humanity turns its future over to software.
Roy gave me this I had 150+ downloads of my 4 books by 10/20/2014
Deuteronomy 1:11King James Version (KJV)
11 (The Lord God of your fathers make you a thousand times so many more as ye are, and bless you, as he hath promised you!)
Sunday, October 19, 2014
The Connection Between Chemtrails and the Depopulation Agenda
Conspiracy, Depopulation, Healthcare, Recent Articles
5:00 AM
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The Power Industry BANNED this Device...
On the surface, weather control (manipulation) appears to be a good idea - except for one thing - it's really quite deadly! Why would anyone (in their right mind) think that spraying toxic chemicals (chemtrails) - into our atmosphere - is a good idea?
So, the question remains, why do you think "chemtrails" and other geoengineering projects exist today? (Hint: control and profit)
Find out "Why in the World are They Spraying" with one of the leading chemtrail experts and filmmaker Michael Murphy.
The hidden agenda behind chemtrails and other geoengineering programs
Chemtrails seen from space - actual NASA image;
What do record snowfalls in Japan; severe droughts in Texas and violent tornadoes have in common? Well, did you know that these extreme weather conditions are sold as derivatives on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange?
Imagine the value of knowing (in advance) that a severe storm was eminent and you could bet on it for profit. Do you think there is incentive to control the weather without regard for human life? (It's all true - look it up yourself).
Now, let's take a look at how the military is using weather control techniques as a weapon in warfare. Back in 1967, the United States military ran "Operation Popeye" - a "cloud seeding" program during the Vietnam War which extended the monsoon season over Laos.
The rainfall was so heavy over 30 - 45 days that truck traffic was impaired - giving the U.S. military an advantage over the enemy.
Weather modification programs are killing life on planet earth
There is no denying that our current weather patterns have become more extreme and (often times) deadly. But, here's the real shocking news, government agencies have been secretly manipulating the weather for decades and, worse yet, without our permission.
State run propaganda machines would have us believe that toxic chemicals sprayed into the atmosphere are designed to save us from global warming. But, the truth is, chemtrails actually cause global warming by preventing the earth from naturally cooling itself - at night.
If you have any doubt about the dangers of chemtrails - I suggest you watch the movie, "What in the World are They Spraying" by Michael Murphy.
In this film, you will discover many of the toxic substances being sprayed into our atmosphere, such as, Arsenic, aerosol, aluminum, barium, depleted uranium, high levels of mercury plus many other toxic substances.
It's no wonder that allergies, asthma and even cancer rates have soared due to the mass poisoning of our population without our consent.
Denying chemtrails is dangerous for your health
More chemtrails from space - NASA image;
Statistical evidence shows that lung issues such as asthma and COPD have risen considerably over the past two decades. While there may be a few factors behind this, hardly anyone includes chemtrails as one of them.
Scientists and governments have allowed some "limited hangouts" (partial disclosures) on chemtrails or stratospheric geo-engineering, framing it as "experimental." They openly discuss geo-engineering as "potential" solutions for weather control and protection against global warming.
Apparently, they've been doing a lot of open "experimenting" since the early 1990s. They don't really have to deny much. There's plenty of denial from those on the ground who don't look up to see anything different. Or upon noticing chemtrails, they will argue that they are contrails.
There are even internet pages devoted to "scientifically" debunking chemtrails as erroneous conspiracy theories, similar to "Quackwatch" sites that go after medical practitioners who successfully treat disease without drugs.
The obvious differences between chemtrails and contrails
Contrails appear from aircraft propulsion systems of all types at stratospheric altitudes, 30,000 to 40,000 feet up. They are exhaust vapors that become ice crystals in high altitude, low pressure frigid air.
Contrails are harmless and dissipate quickly. They don't linger. They usually extend from 20 to 50 plane lengths behind the aircraft. They are very white and somewhat thinly textured. Sometimes high altitude planes can be seen as silver specks without any trail at all. Chemtrails, however, are very different.
Chemtrails often extend from one horizon to the other. They tend to be thicker and wider than contrails, and their white plumes can be tainted with slight discolorations. Chemtrails linger for hours or whole days.
They tend to fan out and mingle with themselves or actual clouds, forming larger clouds or a haze that covers the sky. At higher ground levels, they can be observed drifting downward to earth.
Their paths do not correspond with normal commercial airline flight paths. They often turn around and continue their smoky plumes. Sometimes they will create grid patterns or Xs. See examples here (
Do you recall meeting other aircraft while on a commercial flight, and deviating from the prescribed route to doodle in the sky with the other planes? Of course not. Chemtrails are usually emitted by non-commercial planes.
Back on the ground
Several sky watchers throughout the world have had residue samples analyzed after collecting them in water containers, air traps, and on shrubbery twigs. They have all come up with two common elements: barium and aluminum.
Chemtrails over UK;
Barium is very toxic. Reportedly, it was sprayed from aircraft during Gulf War I to weaken the enemy on the ground. Some consider barium salts more toxic than lead. It affects the lungs directly.
Aluminum is a toxin that leads to dementia and neurological diseases. The nasal passages and lungs enable aluminum to have easy entry into our blood streams and affect tissues, including the heart and brain.
Even if not breathed in to cause immediate respiratory and other long term health problems, these two metals are absorbed into drinking water and crop soils. Interestingly, Monsanto has recently genetically engineered an aluminum resistant gene that can be inserted into crop seeds.
A pathogen has been found in some chemtrail analyses. Mycoplasma Fermetens Incognitus, which was observed to be in half the Gulf War Syndrome victims by Dr.Garth Nicholson.
The first thing to do is take time to observe and recognize the differences in aircraft trails. Research more, starting with source links below, while detoxing metals regularly. Then get involved on some level to help curb chemtrail activities.
By Jonathan Landsman and Paul Fassa, Natural News; | References: Barium from chemtrails; Chemtrail formations; Metal salts in soil increased since chem spraying; Full chemtrail disclosure; Danger in the sky; G. Edward Griffin about chemtrails;| Own "WHAT & WHY in the World Are They Spraying?" documentaries on DVD.
About author: Paul Fassa is dedicated to warning others about the current corruption of food and medicine and guiding others toward a direction for better health with no restrictions on health freedom. You can visit his blog at
- See more at:
My book intro
Be blessed as you read the intor into my newest book--
Donna Schmier The Gates Of Hell (c)Copyright 2014
INTRODUCTION; I have added an insert of how the enemy tried to stop this book it is two (2) pages of confusion and after that NOTHING all the following chapters (5-18) were ‘lost’ no where to be found on hard drive. Middle way of chapter 5 you will see what I am referring to. Determination and persistence flood my soul and anger at the enemy –he thinks for one minute he can or will silence me? Think again—So explaining the interference and variation, I continue this expounding of the book .
There is MUCH scripture references in this book to under score the reality and pain of hell. Please search the scriptures and cross reference for your own knowledge and safety.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Thomas Eric Duncan, America’s First Ebola Patient Dead In Dallas Texas
Now The End Begins
Thomas Eric Duncan, America’s First Ebola Patient Dead In Dallas Texas
by NTEB News Desk
Texas Ebola Patient Thomas Eric Duncan Has Died, Hospital Says
Thomas Eric Duncan, the first person diagnosed with Ebola in the United States, died Wednesday morning, the Dallas hospital where he was being treated said.
"It is with profound sadness and heartfelt disappointment that we must inform you of the death of Thomas Eric Duncan this morning at 7:51 am," Texas Health Resources spokesman Wendell Watson said in a statement.
Duncan, 42, was given the experimental Ebola drug Brincidofovir, but his family said he was doing poorly and the hospital had downgraded his condition from serious to critical. When the family visited Tuesday with the Rev. Jesse Jackson, they declined to view Duncan via video link because the last time had been too upsetting.
"What we saw was very painful. It didn't look good," said Duncan's nephew Josephus Weeks.
Now The End Begins Obama Ebola Bumper Stickers Appearing All Over Los Angeles by NTEB News Desk Will Obama's claim that the Ebola virus is not airborne come back to haunt him? President Joe Biden held up traffic around Los Angeles for a second day on Tuesday, but it was President Obama himself on the minds of many Southern California drivers as bumper stickers began appearing on area cars featuring the word Ebola with the Obama logo replacing the letter "o." obama-ebola-bumper-stickers The general public does not seem to have any confidence at all in Mr. Obama's ability to handle the current Ebola crisis. The scathing stickers come on the eve of President Obama's Thursday trip to LA for a fundraiser at the home of Gwyneth Paltrow and on the same day that the LATimes reports that it may be premature for Mr. Obama's government to declare that the deadly Ebola virus is not transmitted by air. Dr. C.J. Peters, who battled a 1989 outbreak of the virus among research monkeys housed in Virginia and who later led the CDC's most far-reaching study of Ebola's transmissibility in humans, said he would not rule out the possibility that it spreads through the air in tight quarters. "We just don't have the data to exclude it," said Peters, who continues to research viral diseases at the University of Texas in Galveston. Whatever the case, at least some Southland drivers seem convinced that the President's policy on stopping the virus to-date have not inspired confidence.
Now The End Begins
Now The End Begins
Obama Ebola Bumper Stickers Appearing All Over Los Angeles
by NTEB News Desk
Will Obama's claim that the Ebola virus is not airborne come back to haunt him?
President Joe Biden held up traffic around Los Angeles for a second day on Tuesday, but it was President Obama himself on the minds of many Southern California drivers as bumper stickers began appearing on area cars featuring the word Ebola with the Obama logo replacing the letter "o."
The general public does not seem to have any confidence at all in Mr. Obama's ability to handle the current Ebola crisis.
The scathing stickers come on the eve of President Obama's Thursday trip to LA for a fundraiser at the home of Gwyneth Paltrow and on the same day that the LATimes reports that it may be premature for Mr. Obama's government to declare that the deadly Ebola virus is not transmitted by air.
Dr. C.J. Peters, who battled a 1989 outbreak of the virus among research monkeys housed in Virginia and who later led the CDC's most far-reaching study of Ebola's transmissibility in humans, said he would not rule out the possibility that it spreads through the air in tight quarters.
"We just don't have the data to exclude it," said Peters, who continues to research viral diseases at the University of Texas in Galveston.
Whatever the case, at least some Southland drivers seem convinced that the President's policy on stopping the virus to-date have not inspired confidence.
by NTEB News Desk
Will Obama's claim that the Ebola virus is not airborne come back to haunt him?
President Joe Biden held up traffic around Los Angeles for a second day on Tuesday, but it was President Obama himself on the minds of many Southern California drivers as bumper stickers began appearing on area cars featuring the word Ebola with the Obama logo replacing the letter "o."
The general public does not seem to have any confidence at all in Mr. Obama's ability to handle the current Ebola crisis.
The scathing stickers come on the eve of President Obama's Thursday trip to LA for a fundraiser at the home of Gwyneth Paltrow and on the same day that the LATimes reports that it may be premature for Mr. Obama's government to declare that the deadly Ebola virus is not transmitted by air.
Dr. C.J. Peters, who battled a 1989 outbreak of the virus among research monkeys housed in Virginia and who later led the CDC's most far-reaching study of Ebola's transmissibility in humans, said he would not rule out the possibility that it spreads through the air in tight quarters.
"We just don't have the data to exclude it," said Peters, who continues to research viral diseases at the University of Texas in Galveston.
Whatever the case, at least some Southland drivers seem convinced that the President's policy on stopping the virus to-date have not inspired confidence.
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